Spring JdbcTemplateクエリの例
Spring Boot 2.1.2.RELEASE
Spring JDBC 5.1.4.RELEASE
Java 8
記事がSpringコア2.5.xからSpring Boot2.1.xに更新されました
P.S You may also interested in this Spring Boot JDBC Examples
1. 単一行のクエリ
1.1 Custom RowMapper
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class CustomerRowMapper implements RowMapper{ @Override public Customer mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setID(rs.getLong("ID")); customer.setName(rs.getString("NAME")); customer.setAge(rs.getInt("AGE")); customer.setCreatedDate(rs.getTimestamp("created_date").toLocalDateTime()); return customer; } }
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; public Customer findByCustomerId(Long id) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ID = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[]{id}, new CustomerRowMapper()); }
1.2 Spring BeanPropertyRowMapper
, this class saves you a lot of time for the mapping.
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper; public Customer findByCustomerId2(Long id) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ID = ?"; return (Customer) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( sql, new Object[]{id}, new BeanPropertyRowMapper(Customer.class)); }
1.3 In Java 8, we can map it directly:
public Customer findByCustomerId3(Long id) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ID = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[]{id}, (rs, rowNum) -> new Customer( rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("age"), rs.getTimestamp("created_date").toLocalDateTime() )); }
2. 複数行のクエリ
2.1 Custom RowMapper
public ListfindAll() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER"; List customers = jdbcTemplate.query( sql, new CustomerRowMapper()); return customers; }
2.2 BeanPropertyRowMapper
public ListfindAll() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER"; List customers = jdbcTemplate.query( sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper(Customer.class)); return customers; }
2.3 Java 8
public ListfindAll() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER"; return jdbcTemplate.query( sql, (rs, rowNum) -> new Customer( rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("age"), rs.getTimestamp("created_date").toLocalDateTime() ) ); }
2.4 jdbcTemplate.queryForList
, it works, but not recommend, the mapping in Map
may not same as the object, need casting.
public ListfindAll() { String sql = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER"; List customers = new ArrayList<>(); List
3. 単一の値のクエリ
3.1 Single column name
public String findCustomerNameById(Long id) { String sql = "SELECT NAME FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ID = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( sql, new Object[]{id}, String.class); }
3.2 Count
public int count() { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CUSTOMER"; // queryForInt() is Deprecated // https://www.example.com/spring/jdbctemplate-queryforint-is-deprecated/ //int total = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql); return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class); }
4. Test
Spring BootCommandLineRunner
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-jdbc com.h2database h2
package com.example; import com.example.customer.Customer; import com.example.customer.CustomerRepository; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; @SpringBootApplication public class StartApplication implements CommandLineRunner { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StartApplication.class); @Autowired JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired CustomerRepository customerRepository; public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(StartApplication.class, args); } @Override public void run(String... args) { log.info("StartApplication..."); startCustomerApp(); } // Tested with H2 database void startCustomerApp() { jdbcTemplate.execute("DROP TABLE customer IF EXISTS"); jdbcTemplate.execute("CREATE TABLE customer(" + "id SERIAL, name VARCHAR(255), age NUMERIC(2), created_date timestamp)"); Listlist = Arrays.asList( new Customer("Customer A", 19), new Customer("Customer B", 20), new Customer("Customer C", 21), new Customer("Customer D", 22) ); list.forEach(x -> { log.info("Saving...{}", x.getName()); customerRepository.save(x); }); log.info("[FIND_BY_ID]"); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findByCustomerId(1L)); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findByCustomerId2(2L)); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findByCustomerId3(3L)); log.info("[FIND_ALL]"); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findAll()); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findAll2()); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findAll3()); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findAll4()); log.info("[FIND_NAME_BY_ID]"); log.info("{}", customerRepository.findCustomerNameById(4L)); log.info("[COUNT]"); log.info("{}", customerRepository.count()); } }
INFO com.example.StartApplication - Saving...Customer A INFO com.example.StartApplication - Saving...Customer B INFO com.example.StartApplication - Saving...Customer C INFO com.example.StartApplication - Saving...Customer D INFO com.example.StartApplication - [FIND_BY_ID] INFO com.example.StartApplication - Customer{ID=1, name='Customer A', age=19, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.950848} INFO com.example.StartApplication - Customer{ID=2, name='Customer B', age=20, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.961819} INFO com.example.StartApplication - Customer{ID=3, name='Customer C', age=21, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.961819} INFO com.example.StartApplication - [FIND_ALL] INFO com.example.StartApplication - [ Customer{ID=1, name='Customer A', age=19, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.950848}, Customer{ID=2, name='Customer B', age=20, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.961819}, Customer{ID=3, name='Customer C', age=21, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.961819}, Customer{ID=4, name='Customer D', age=22, createdDate=2019-08-01T15:48:45.961819} ] //...omitted, duplicate code INFO com.example.StartApplication - [FIND_NAME_BY_ID] INFO com.example.StartApplication - Customer D INFO com.example.StartApplication - [COUNT] INFO com.example.StartApplication - 4
$ git clone https://github.com/example/spring-boot.git
$ cd spring-jdbc
$ find com.example.customer