




^        #start of the line
 #       #  must constains a "#" symbols
 (       #  start of group #1
  [A-Fa-f0-9]{6} #    any strings in the list, with length of 6
  |      #    ..or
  [A-Fa-f0-9]{3} #    any strings in the list, with length of 3
 )       #  end of group #1
$        #end of the line

全体の組み合わせは、文字列は「#」記号で始まり、「a」から「f」、「A」から「Z」までの文字、または「0」から「9」までの数字が正確に6または3でなければならないことを意味します長さ。 この正規表現パターンは、16進Webカラーコードチェックに非常に役立ちます。


package com.example.regex;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class HexValidator{

   private Pattern pattern;
   private Matcher matcher;

   private static final String HEX_PATTERN = "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$";

   public HexValidator(){
      pattern = Pattern.compile(HEX_PATTERN);

   * Validate hex with regular expression
   * @param hex hex for validation
   * @return true valid hex, false invalid hex
   public boolean validate(final String hex){

      matcher = pattern.matcher(hex);
      return matcher.matches();



1. 「#1f1f1F」、「#AFAFAF」、「#1AFFa1」、「#222fff」、「#F00」、「#F00」


1. 「123456」–「” symbol
2. “#afafah” – “h” is not allow, valid letter from “a” to “f”
3. “#123abce” – either 6 length or 3 length
4. “aFaE3f” – must start with a “
5です。 “F00” – must start with a “#” symbol
6. “#afaf” – either 6 length or 3 length
7. “#F0h” – “h” is not allow, valid letter from “a” to “f”

単体テスト– HexValidator

package com.example.regex;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;

 * Hex validator Testing
 * @author example
public class HexValidatorTest {

    private HexValidator hexValidator;

        public void initData(){
        hexValidator = new HexValidator();

    public Object[][] ValidHexProvider() {
        return new Object[][]{
               {new String[] {
                "#1f1f1F", "#AFAFAF","#1AFFa1","#222fff", "#F00"

    public Object[][] InvalidHexProvider() {
        return new Object[][]{
            {new String[] {
                   "F00","#afaf", "#F0h"

    @Test(dataProvider = "ValidHexProvider")
    public void ValidHexTest(String[] hex) {

       for(String temp : hex){
           boolean valid = hexValidator.validate(temp);
           System.out.println("Hex is valid : " + temp + " , " + valid);
           Assert.assertEquals(true, valid);


    @Test(dataProvider = "InvalidHexProvider", dependsOnMethods="ValidHexTest")
    public void InValidHexTest(String[] hex) {

       for(String temp : hex){
           boolean valid = hexValidator.validate(temp);
           System.out.println("Hex is valid : " + temp + " , " + valid);
           Assert.assertEquals(false, valid);



Hex is valid : #1f1f1F , true
Hex is valid : #AFAFAF , true
Hex is valid : #1AFFa1 , true
Hex is valid : #222fff , true
Hex is valid : #F00 , true
Hex is valid : 123456 , false
Hex is valid : #afafah , false
Hex is valid : #123abce , false
Hex is valid : aFaE3f , false
Hex is valid : F00 , false
Hex is valid : #afaf , false
Hex is valid : #F0h , false
PASSED: ValidHexTest([Ljava.lang.String;@1a626f)
PASSED: InValidHexTest([Ljava.lang.String;@e5855a)

    Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0


正規表現についてもっと知りたいですか? この最高の古典的な本を強くお勧めします–「正規表現の習得」
