Comment utiliser Gradle Wrapper

Comment utiliser Gradle Wrapper

Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons vous montrer comment créer un wrapper Gradle pour votre projet et comment l'utiliser.

What is Gradle wrapper?
L'encapsuleur Gradle vous permet d'exécuter une tâche Gradle sans nécessiter l'installation de Gradle sur votre système.

1. Créer un wrapper Gradle

1.1 Declares a wrapper task.


task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '2.10' //we want gradle 2.10 to run this project

1.2 Run the wrapper task with gradle wrapper

$ gradle wrapper



1.3 The following files will be created, remember to add these files and folders to your version control system (e.g GitHub or Bitbucket).

  |--- wrapper
      |--- gradle-wrapper.jar

Vérifiez le fichiergradlew, un script shell unix pour exécuter la tâche Gradle.

2. Comment utiliser Gradle Wrapper?

2.1 Assume your Gradle project along with the Gradle wrapper files are added to GitHub, and someone wants to clone your project and try to run it without installing Gradle on their system.

2.2 They can download the project and run it with gradlew, read comments for self-explanatory :

$ git clone
$ cd spring4-mvc-gradle-annotation-hello-world

# wait, build? we don't have Gradle install yet? No problem, gradlew will handle it.
$ ./gradlew build

# first time, download the gradle 2.10..
# download project dependencies
# run the gradle build task
#, we run a Gradle task without installing Gradle!

# try run jettyRun task
$ ./gradlew jettyRun
16:16:21 INFO  Jetty 9.2.10.v20150310 started and listening on port 8080
16:16:21 INFO  spring4 runs at:
16:16:21 INFO    http://localhost:8080/spring4
Press any key to stop the server.

$ ./gradlew task
